• just for fun

    Favorite things. For me.

    As promised. A list of my favorite things! I’m going to do my best and try not to have every single thing related to coffee, but I can’t make any promises. šŸ˜‰ I have to tell you that one thing that has changed for me during this quarantine is that I have started to care a little bit more about me. I have tried to practice self care, even though days are crazy long and I’m exhausted. Aren’t we all? It’s been a helluva time trying to be all the things to all of the little people in the house. School teacher. Therapist. Assistant. Nurse. Playmate. House manager. Chef. And…

  • life lessons


    Perspective: ā€œthe ability of someone to take into consideration and potentially understand the interpretations, outlooks, or actions of their self and of other people.ā€ (psychologydictionary.org) One of the greatest lessons I have learned since Christopher was born is perspective. I sincerely try to write and share pieces of our life simply for a bit of insight. I want people to know what our life is like raising a child with significant needs. My ultimate hope is to share struggles and triumphs in a graceful way. I never want to come across as complaining or that Iā€™m sharing for sympathy. Believe me, your sympathy is the last thing I want. My…

  • Uncategorized

    A Valentine for my Village

    It takes a village. A tribe. A family. Raising a child with special needs isnā€™t easy, but having supporters, near and far, make the journey a little easier. Your village may consist of 5 people or 50. Your tribe may be filled with online friends or a local community you see face to face. Whoever makes up your village is irreplaceable, I know mine is. Valentineā€™s Day is typically romantic, filled with chocolates, hearts and roses, but Iā€™d like to express my utmost gratitude for our village on this day with nothing but words. Happy Valentineā€™s Day to our village. I love my tribe. I love our family. My life…